Sunday, March 15, 2009

is it monday already?

some people say " i hate monday" and some of them say " wht's wrong wid that day?"
i think... it's all about how can we face the day
maybe some people tht have sooo many activities on monday, they will be very lazy to welcome monday and if they cud, maybe they wud skip dat day =)
but for those who dnt have so many activities will have no probleam with that day... at all..
the biggest point is that can we compomise our selves with all the tasks we have to matter waht day we have to do them.
sometimes..boredom comes not at the right time and makes me very lazy to do anything..kalo kata 3 mah "mati gaya"..bener deh..
tapi ya mo gimana lagi willy nilly we have to move on and do the tasks we have walaupun susah banget buat ngilangin yang namanya bete n bosen..sometimes while working we (my frens and i) make jokes hope the jokes will help us to run away from the boredom..
nah..yang jadi masalah adalah... ketika ada yang berusaha mencairkan suasana..tapi ternyata he made a kind of "crunchy joke" yang sama sekali gak lucu and gak "ce"..waduh...yang ada malah tambah bosen..
tapi pernah ada orang yang tanya " pernah gak ngerasa kalo lo itu bener2 bosen and ngerasa kalo hidup lo itu monoton..gtu2 aja.."
the answer is " of course.. but maybe we have to let it flow coz sadar atau nggak pasti setipa hari itu different walaupun qt ngerasa kalo the day is just so so.. yesterday and now are just the same..sekecil apapun itu..
look at the way u dress up ur self, look at the task u have every single day, look at the students who will make different action every meeting, look at the way people greet u..everything..
face it...face it...face it...
find ur happinez every single day n make ur self be loved by others =)


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